The Program curriculum will include, but not be limited to the following content and skill areas:
Upper extremity
Detailed evaluation of the joint in dysfunction
detailed bio mechanical assessment and Treatment techniques of the shoulder girdle, elbow, wrist
and hand joints.
C Lower extremity
Detailed Techniques to evaluate the joint in dysfunction detailed bio mechanical assessment &
Treatment techniques of the hip, knee, foot and ankle joints.
Spine cervical,thoracic,lumbar And pelvis
course will focus on each spinal region, spinal and costal joints. It will include the performance and
analysis of the selective tissue tension and bio mechanical examinations and the treatment of the
thoracic and costal articulations with Manual Medicine
Advanced Techniques
Integration of high-velocity low-amplitude (thrust) techniques into the total patient care, with
emphasis on the spine, pelvic girdle and ribs.
Spinal Instability
lecture-demonstration workshop will review the current thoughts on clinical spinal instability, its
possible etiology, efficient assessment and intervention methods and communication of diagnosis
and outcomes.
MUSCLE and Soft Tissues
Techniques and the relevance to mechanical dysfunction OF ALL MUSCLES AROUND THE
EXTREMITY AND SPINE , Treatment methods of various joints AND the clinical applications
Neuromuscular and fascial System
This course examines the significant role that assessment and treatment of the Neuromuscular &
fascial system can play in patients with Various conditions. Current knowledge of anatomy and
physiology are introduced and the relevance to mechanical dysfunction explored. Manual Medicine
for the Fascia involves the practical application of current knowledge in neuro dynamics, myo
fascial release, neuro physiological treatment techniques..
PART EHigh velocity thrust Techniques of Spine and Peripheral Joints , Full detailed assessment and Its
Application Techniques.
Part F
This module is for all recent research and trends in manual Medicine and its current and future
Teaching, structure and assessmentThis course runs through 6 months and is delivered through a combination of Online, lectures,
workshops and seminars. There’ll also be online learning tests which you’ll need to complete.Learning Outcomes:
you should be able to:
Understand the most recent developments in Manual Medicine
Have an understanding of pain mechanisms, their clinical relevance, and appropriate measures to
address complex chronic pain disorders and the neurophysiological basis for pain relief by manual
Medicine.Be proficient in determining a differential diagnosis based on an integrated, clinical reasoning
informed examination of the articular, neural and motor control examination systems.Be proficient in applying an appropriate manual Medicine treatment strategy incorporating manual
treatment techniques and specific exercises.
Duration: 6 Months.
How will this course be taught?This module will use a variety of teaching and learning strategies. The module’s content will be delivered through seminar sessions, practicals, workshops, and directed, and self-directed study.
Seminars - 50 Hours
Guided Course Learning – 50 Hours
your self-guided Course Learning – 100 Hours
hours hands-on Workshops - 50 Hours. [ OPTIONAL]
*Total Learning – 250 hours
The module “Clinical Problem Solving” introduces real-life patient histories, examination findings,
diagnosis, treatment and management protocols, and outcomes, and time is allocated for
practicing all phases of clinical assessment and some manipulation options.
The module “Diagnostic Radiology” is a radiology modules are case based and integrate clinical
history and examination findings. All examinations are short-answer, image-interpretation
assessments that require management decisions.
The module “Neuro musculoskeletal Diagnosis II” comprises lectures and practical classes that
include real patients with the conditions that are being studied.
“Introduction to Clinical Practice” the opportunity to take clinical histories and perform physical
examinations on real patients at the multi deciplinary practice
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