About me
I am a productive thinker who has a vision for tomorrow. I believe in grasping all the knowledge and
continuously learn new things related to my field. I feel one should be omnipotent to explore all the talents and skills in life and always try to be exemplary in performing.
While I teach I learn to teach with every new student, their behaviour and psychology. That results in me getting better to make them understand all the advancements.
I believe in balancing my profession with my adventure quest while I travel different cities and countries for work and leisure, and enjoy every bit of it.
MPT, CMT[Australia),M.Th [Germany],Ph.D [U.S.A],
1.Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) Graduated, From ,Utkal University [ORISSA]
2.Masters in Physiotherapy (SPORTS) Graduated, From G.N.D University Amritsar
3. PhD From USA.
Professional Qualifications and Affiliations
Certificate in Manual Therapy from Curtin University, Australia in 2003.
Certificate in Orthopaedic Medicine & Myofacial Release By FIMM, UK in 2004.
Diploma in E.M.G initiated Stimulation With Mentamove, Munich, Germany.2004
Mackenzie Institute U.S.A Part A & B.[Spine] Course in 2008.
Academic Achievements
Merit Holder and Topper in Post Graduation from G.N.D UNIVERSITY AMRITSAR.
Awards Received
Young achievement Award given during physiotherapy conference held at AIIMS Delhi in 2012.
Best Academician Award given during physiotherapy conference at Tripura in 2015
Lifetime Achievement Award Given By The Indian Association of Physiotherapists for excellent contribution to profession in India in 2016.
Skills Teaching
Contribute to the design of the curriculum (undergraduate and masters level) at a level which reflects
professional expertise.Undertake teaching and examination responsibilities at undergraduate and at masters level.
Support and monitor the progress of students using the personal tutor system.
Support students in their placements in clinical settings.
Provide support and guidance to clinical educators in clinical areas.
Supervise students completing research projects at undergraduate and masters level.
Contribute to staff development activities designed to enhance research skill in the College.
Participate in the management of research projects (including financial management and employment of research support staff) following the protocol for grants awarded.
Develop and collaborate in the implementation of models of dissemination of research findings.
Collaborate with clinical staff in developing evidence based practice utilising research findings.
Produce high quality research reports and publish regularly in reputable, high profile journals or other appropriate media (including conference participation).
Collaborate with health care professionals and researchers from other disciplines both within and outside the University to develop the Research Strategy in the School.
Provide academic support to clinical staff working to develop research activity in health care.
Contribute to the overall work of the college and University.
Undertake other such tasks within the level of the post, possibly undertaken over a wider field than the college itself.
Identify areas of expertise and, where appropriate, maintain role in clinical practice.
To facilitate clinical staff in their role as Practice Placement Educators.
Conducted more than 350 workshops & C.M.E for physiotherapist, undergraduate and postgraduate students as resource person across India in Manual Therapy and Sports physiotherapy.
National Activities :
Organized National conference of I.A.P. incapacity of Organising Secretary in the year 2002.
Organized various disability camps for common people.
Attended national conferences of physiotherapy in year FROM 1998 TO 2014..
Organized International Workshops on manipulation as Programme director of C.C.D.R.
Organized Seminars for the general public for occupational Health Hazards and prevention programs
Assisted Seminars with International Faculties on Various topics of Sports Physiotherapy, Mobilisations & Manipulations.
International Activities :
Worked as Academic Director for
International Programme on Spinal Manipulation in collaboration with Manual Concept, Australia.
Manual therapy certification Programme in Collaboration with Curtin university, Australia.
Programme on Evidence based practice in pain in association with Physiotherapy Pain Association, U.K.
Programme on Orthopaedic Medicine and Myofacial Release in collaboration with International Federation of Musculoskeletal Medicine, U.K.
1st Multispeciality World Congress on “Spine care”.
Programme on Evaluation, Mobilisation and Muscle control Retraining for low back pain in collabo- ration with APTEI, Canada.
Programme on High Velocity Thrust of Spine, U.K.
Work Experience
1996-1997: as Lecturer/physiotherapist at Fr. Mullers charitable Institution Mangalore 1997-1999: as Teaching Assistant at G.N.D University Amritsar.
1999-2000: as Assistant Professor/physiotherapist at Fr. Mullers Medical College Mangalore. 2000-2005: as Associate Professor/physiotherapist at Indore Institute of Medical Sciences , Indore. 2005-Till Date: as Professor/physiotherapist at R.D.Gardi Medical college ,Ujjain.
AS PRINCIPAL, & PROFESSOR College Of Physiotherapy, R.D Gardi Medical College, Ujjain.
As PARTNER & Director in C.C.D.R. , A firm Organising various International and National semi- nars and conferences.
3 As PRESIDENT in S.S.Society of Health and Education organizing various Health camps and other awareness activities.
. 4. As Director of S.P.S group of companies.
5. Ex. General Secretary of Indian Association of Physiotherapists for two terms from 2008-2011 and 2011-2014. and Present President of IAP from 2020.
Efficacy of physical therapy regime after partial arthroscopic menisectomy [knee]
Efficacy of cryotherapy and exercise after arthroscopic menisectomy.
Application of TENS during labour.
A comparative study on the efficacy of the end range mobilization techniques in treatment of adhesive capsulitis.
A comparative study on the efficacy of physical therapy regime in myofascial trigger points.
Efficacy of athletic tapping in lateral ankle sprain.
A comparative study on the effects of static stretching and dynamic range of motion training for the ham- string flexibility among racquet sports players.
Effects of progressive resisted exercises among college aged males and females
A comparative study of motor relearning programme coupled with or without functional electrical stimu- lation of dorsiflexors of hemiplegic patients.
An electro - myographic comparison of quadriceps femoris muscle activity at different knee angles and its significance.
The Efficacy of stretching on hamstring flexibility.
Cardiopulmonary response to aerobic conditioning.
Effectiveness of back care programme in primigravid women with low back pain during third trimester.
A study on the effects of endurance exercise training on ventilatory function of elderly males.
Effects of motor relearning programme in improving upper limb function of post stroke patients.
Effects of different body positions on pulmonary function.
Effects of sacral nerve stimulation on spastic bladder in spinal cord injury.
15 The comparative study between active physical training versus active resistance training in groin pain among young gymnast.
Comparative study to analyze the effect of ultrasound along with therapeutic training and ultra- sound alone on pain and hand grip strength patients with lateral epicondylitis
To evaluate the effect of kinesiological tapping on supraspinatus tendonitis in pistol shooters 18.Comparative study between open versus closed kinetic chain exercises for patello-femoral pain syndrome
Effect of core stabilisation training among young fast bowlers with low back pain